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In browser

1. Using js-dos api#

To run bundle you just need a one line of code:


Dos receives HTMLDivElement and use it to create the player UI. To run bundle just use its method run specifying the url of jsdos bundle.

To use js-dos you need to add js-dos.js script and js-dos.css files (releases) to html page.


By default, js-dos will load wasm modules relatively from current path, you should specify variable pathPrefix if you want to load them from different place:

emulators.pathPrefix = "<some-path>/";
<script src="<path>/js-dos.js"></script>
<link href="<path>/js-dos.css" rel="stylesheet">
// ...
emulators.pathPrefix = "<path>/";

Complete example:


2. Using emulators-ui (without js-dos services)#

js-dos v7 is based on emulators and emulators-ui packages. It provide additinal services over this two packages, if you don't need them, then you can use emulators and emulators-ui packages directly.

To change code above to use emulators and emulators-ui just change scripts imports to:

<script src="emulators/emulators.js"></script>
<script src="emulators-ui/emulators-ui.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="emulators-ui/emulators-ui.css">

Complete example:


3. Using emulators#

In case you don't want to use the browser API of js-dos project, you can use just the emulators package. Read the guide to how we use emulators to estimate js-dos performance.