Some DOS games offer multiplayer gaming based on ipx, modem, or direct connection. Using a browser isn't possible to directly connect two clients. BUT, using js-dos cloud, you can emulate direct connection.
Here is tutorial video how to use networking with js-dos:
By default, users able to enjoy these games using the Netherlands server, which is provided by js-dos.
Deploy own ipx backend
As said js-dos provide Netherlands server for free, but it works well only for Europe region. To improve player experience you can deploy own instance of ipx backend.
The Server
The server code is licensed under GPL2 and you can find it here. This server works as relay it connects multiple js-dos clients together. You need to deploy it on some public available server.
Download the server binary
chmod +x server
to make it executableRun it as follows:
./server -c cert.pem -k privkey.pemArgument
server binary
-c cert.pem
path to SSL certificate
-k privekey.pem
path to private key file
Configuring js-dos player
When server is started you can use it with js-dos player. For example, if your server is available on host
, js-dos configuration will be:
The first element in ipx array will be used as default ipx server.