class @Dosbox
Dosbox bootstrapping interface. Interface provides single class called Dosbox
, this
class is used to bootsrap and control dosbox.
class @Dosbox
To bootsrap dosbox use this javascript code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js-dos-api.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
new Dosbox({
id: "dosbox",
onload: function (dosbox) {"", "./DIGGER.COM");
onrun: function (dosbox, app) {
console.log("App '" + app + "' is runned");
constructor: (options) ->
@onload = options.onload
@onrun = options.onrun
@ui = new Dosbox.UI(options)
@module = new Dosbox.Module canvas: @ui.canvas
@ui.onStart () =>
This method is used to mount zip archives to virtual filesystem and then to run dos program. First argument is url where zip archive is located, second is a executable name.
Archive will be downloaded, extracted and then program will be runned.
run: (archiveUrl, executable) ->
new Dosbox.Mount @module, archiveUrl,
success: () =>
@ui.updateMessage "Launching #{executable}"
hide = () => @ui.hideLoader()
func = () => @_dosbox_main @, executable
setTimeout(func, 1000)
setTimeout(hide, 3000)
progress: (total, current) =>
@ui.updateMessage "Mount #{executable} (#{current * 100 / total | 0}%)"
You can change fullscreen mode by calling dosbox.requestFullScreen()
requestFullScreen: ->
if @module.requestFullScreen
@module.requestFullScreen(true, false)
You can change dosbox canvas size with css, like this:
<style type="text/css">
.dosbox-container { width: 640px; height: 400px; }
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>js-dos api</title>
<style type="text/css">
.dosbox-container { width: 640px; height: 400px; }
<div id="dosbox"></div>
<button onclick="dosbox.requestFullScreen();">Make fullscreen</button>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js-dos-api.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var dosbox = new Dosbox({
id: "dosbox",
onload: function (dosbox) {"", "./DIGGER.COM");
onrun: function (dosbox, app) {
console.log("App '" + app + "' is runned");
downloadScript: ->
@module.setStatus 'Downloading js-dos'
@ui.updateMessage 'Downloading js-dos'
new Dosbox.Xhr 'js-dos.js',
success: (script) =>
@ui.updateMessage 'Initializing dosbox'
func = () => @_jsdos_init @module, script, @onload
setTimeout(func, 1000)
progress: (total, current) =>
@ui.updateMessage "Downloading js-dos (#{current * 100 / total | 0}%)"
_jsdos_init: (module, script, onload) ->
Module = module
eval script
onload @ if onload
_dosbox_main: (dosbox, executable) ->
if dosbox.onrun
func = () -> dosbox.onrun(dosbox, executable)
setTimeout(func, 1000)
dosbox.module.ccall 'dosbox_main', 'int', ['string'], [executable]
catch exception
if exception == 'SimulateInfiniteLoop'
do nothing this is normal behaviour
console?.error? exception