Command Interface (CI)
The Command Interface
is only one object that allows you to communicate with js-dos instance. Once you run some js-dos bundle you will receive Command Interface
Dos(/*element*/, {
url: /* bundle url */,
onEvent: ("ci-ready", ci: CommandInterface) {
// now ci s ready
const ci = await Dos(/*element*/).run(/*bundle url*/);
CI interface:
export interface CommandInterface {
config: () => Promise<DosConfig>;
height: () => number;
width: () => number;
soundFrequency: () => number;
screenshot: () => Promise<ImageData>;
pause: () => void;
resume: () => void;
mute: () => void;
unmute: () => void;
exit: () => Promise<void>;
simulateKeyPress: (...keyCodes: number[]) => void;
sendKeyEvent: (keyCode: number, pressed: boolean) => void;
sendMouseMotion: (x: number, y: number) => void;
sendMouseRelativeMotion: (x: number, y: number) => void;
sendMouseButton: (button: number, pressed: boolean) => void;
sendMouseSync: () => void;
sendBackendEvent: (event: any) => void;
persist(onlyChanges?: boolean): Promise<Uint8Array | null>;
events(): CommandInterfaceEvents;
networkConnect(networkType: NetworkType, address: string): Promise<void>;
networkDisconnect(networkType: NetworkType): Promise<void>;
asyncifyStats(): Promise<AsyncifyStats>;
fsTree(): Promise<FsNode>;
fsReadFile(file: string): Promise<Uint8Array>;
fsWriteFile(file: string, contents: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | Uint8Array): Promise<void>;
fsDeleteFile(file: string): Promise<void>;
Events interface:
export type MessageType = "log" | "warn" | "error" | string;
export interface CommandInterfaceEvents {
onStdout: (consumer: (message: string) => void) => void;
onFrameSize: (consumer: (width: number, height: number) => void) => void;
onFrame: (consumer: (rgb: Uint8Array | null, rgba: Uint8Array | null) => void) => void;
onSoundPush: (consumer: (samples: Float32Array) => void) => void;
onExit: (consumer: () => void) => void;
onMessage: (consumer: (msgType: MessageType, ...args: any[]) => void) => void;
onNetworkConnected: (consumer: (networkType: NetworkType, address: string) => void) => void;
onNetworkDisconnected: (consumer: (networkType: NetworkType) => void) => void;
Last modified: 12 февраля 2025